CSAW CTF 2021: ransomwaRE

Help! Your local convenience store is being held for ransom. Apparently this
past July 11th a bunch of their documents got encrypted by the "Noes" gang. The
business has backups for some of them, but not their flag file. This was the
last straw for the manager, who tapped his slush fund and came to you for help
rather than pay the ransom. Here are the files they had left in their directory
along with the malware and the ransom notice. Can you REcover the flag? 

For this reverse engineering challenge, part of CSAW CTF 2021, we are given a Windows Portable Executable (PE) file, as well as a zip file containing encrypted and unencrypted pdf files:


It also contains a screenshot from the convenience store manager: Screenshot From Manager

The obvious first step is to open the executable in Ghidra. All of the locally defined functions have had their names stripped, but the program relies heavily on imports from Windows DLLs, notably crypto and HTTP-related functions. The Ghidra decompiler was very useful for this challenge, since these external function calls were the primary areas of interest when understanding the functionality of this program.

Function Imports

The next step was to go through the each of the external function calls in the main function and give any of the interesting parameters or return values meaningful names, instead of the Ghidra defaults. For most system library function imports, you can avoid searching for documentation by hovering your cursor over the function call, revealing a tooltip box with named parameters.

The first thing of interest that happens in the program’s main function is the initialization of a _SYSTEMTIME struct with by the GetSystemTime command. The day of the week, the month, the day, and the year are then copied from the struct into local variables, each of type uint (size: 4 bytes). It’s important to note the organization of the local time variables in stack memory (seen boxed in red). Ignore the possible_key variable in the screenshot, as that was actually probably just a stack canary.

Loading the SYSTIME struct

Next, the program calls a series of crypto functions necessary to hash a series of bytes. In this case, it is setting up a hash object for MD5 hashing the four local variables storing the date information. We know that it is using MD5 because of the 0x8003 parameter passed to CryptCreateHash (see Microsoft’s ALG_ID documentation). The address of the dayofweek variable is taken and cast to a byte pointer, and passed to the CryptHashData function, along with a parameter specifying that 0x10 (16) bytes should be hashed. Because each of the date-related local variables is 4 bytes long and they are adjacent in stack memory, this function is hashing those values as a 16-byte array.

Hashing the SYSTIME struct

This hash value is then parsed into a hexadecimal string representation, then converted again into a Windows wide-string representation, as seen here in the call to MultiByteToWideChar. This wide-string is then passed as the only parameter to the function FUN_140001e10.

Hash conversion to string to wide-string


The first thing that I noticed when looking at this function was the HTTP connection and request function calls to rev.chal.csaw.io:8129. A quick curl command revealed the following:

$ curl -X GET rev.chal.csaw.io:8129/
<!doctype html>
    <title>Dropper homepage</title>
    <p>This host is not meant to be visited by humans! Trust us, everything on this server is just old hash.</p>

Nothing exciting here, although the part about old hash is interesting. Looking at the call to WinHttpOpenRequest, we see that the hashed hex string that was passed as a parameter to this function is also passed as a parameter in this GET request.

Requesting the encryptor

At this point, I decided to write a python script that emulates the behavior of the program by creating an identical byte representation of the four _SYSTEMTIME variables’ memory layout using the very handy p32 function from pwntools, which packs each of the integers into a 32-bit little-endian array of bytes, and hashing the concatentation of those bytes. I knew what time values to place here because the authors specified that the attack occurred on July 11 of this year. I then appended that hash to the HTTP connection URL for the GET request, and was able to successfully download a large, base64 encoded chunk of data, which I then decoded, revealing a second Portable Executable.

from pwn import *
from base64 import b64decode
import hashlib
import requests

## PART 1: GET encryptor.exe

# Create _SYSTEMTIME struct values and pack data into C struct form
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/minwinbase/ns-minwinbase-systemtime
dayofweek = p32(SUNDAY)
month = p32(7)
year = p32(2021)
day = p32(11)

SYSTIME = dayofweek + month + year + day

# Calculate md5 sum of struct
datehash = hashlib.md5(SYSTIME).hexdigest()

# Download encryptor
r = requests.get(f"http://rev.chal.csaw.io:8129/{datehash}")

exe = b64decode(r.text)

f = open('encryptor.exe', 'wb')

I then switched my focus to the newly acquired encryptor executable, although there is still more interesting stuff to see in ransomwaRE.exe, such as the launching of the encryptor process and removal of the encryptor executable once it’s execution is complete.

Reversing the Encryptor

Setting up directory path The first thing that happens in the main function is the retrieval of the USERPROFILE environment variable, which provides the path to the user’s Windows home directory. It then concatenates the SecretCSAWDocuments directory name to that path. Most interestingly, it calls the Gin function, which sets up the AES Cipher information for encrypting files later in the program. Importantly, this function is only called once during the program’s execution. It returns a struct with a few pointers to allocated memory filled with pseudorandom bytes, and an EVP_CIPHER structure containing the implementation of an EVP_aes_128_ctr cipher.

Next, the main function calls the sendKey routine, which uses HTTP libraries to send the cryptographic key, nonce, and a target ID to the dropper server via an HTTP GET query string. Again, this only occurs once. The main function then searches for all PDF files in the aforementioned directory, and passes their full path name to the inkripshun function, where an encrypted version of each matching file is created and named after the original file’s SHA-256 hash. The original pdf is then deleted. However, the convenience store manager had some backups with a .pdf.backup extension that escapes the pattern matching…

Finding PDF and encrypting them

Lagniappe: Bitwise Fun

Bitwise brain teaser: Can you tell what’s going on here? This code pattern occurs in a few different places in the encryptor program.

Mystery Hex

Mystery Code

Solving the Challenge

At this point, I tried to think of every way possible that I might be able to obtain the symmetric key and nonce, either from the program itself, or from an HTTP endpoint, but all of these roads led nowhere. Finally, I began to wonder if there might be a weakness in their cryptographic implementation. Much googling led me to discover that, in fact, AES CTR stream ciphers do have a weakness:

AES CTR Cipher Warning: reusing cryptographic keys and nonces is catastrophic

You should never reuse a key/nonce combination when using AES CTR stream ciphers! The plaintext data is XORed against the cipher directly, producing a ciphertext of the exact same length of the original. Furthermore, we can see that for all except one of the encrypted files, we have the plaintext original copy.

Backup file hashes vs encrypted file names

We can exploit these conditions in the following way (my apologies to the math people out there for my poor proof) - We have two encrypted messages that were encrypted using the same XOR symmetric key:

enc1 = msg1 ^ key
enc2 = msg2 ^ key

If we XOR the encrypted bytes against each other, we have:

enc1 ^ enc2 ⟶ (msg1 ^ key) ^ (msg2 ^ key)

And because the XOR operator is associative and commutative, this can be reduced to:

enc1 ^ enc2 ⟶ msg1 ^ msg2

Since we know the plaintext content of one of the encrypted PDFs, we can fully decrypt the flag using the plaintext of another pdf, as seen in the second part of my exploit script:


msg1_plain = "files/2020_IC3Report.pdf.backup"
msg1_enc = "files/cad0b75505847a4792a67bb33ece21ec9c7bd21395ca6b158095d92772e01637.pdf.cryptastic"
flagciphertext = "files/ea6b505ffded681a256232ed214d4c3b410c8b4f052775eb7e67dcbd5af64e63.pdf.cryptastic"

f1 = open(msg1_enc, 'rb')
f2 = open(flagciphertext, 'rb')
f3 = open(msg1_plain, 'rb')

msg1_enc = f1.read()
flag_enc = f2.read()
msg1_plain = f3.read()

# XOR encrypted pdf with known cleartext against encrypted flag pdf.
blob = xor(msg1_enc, flag_enc)

# XOR the result of the previous operation against the known plaintext to
# obtain the bytes of the encrypted pdf. Trim the results to the length of the
# encrypted flag pdf.
flag = xor(blob, msg1_plain)[:len(flag_enc)]

f = open('flag.pdf', 'wb')

This produces a pdf containing our flag! Flag token
